In mid-August 2022, I travelled to Boone, North Carolina to to help my daughter Keziah move in for her final year at App State

The morning after we arrived at the Holiday Inn Express, I tested positive for COVID-19

Because of continuing positive tests and travel logistics, I spent eleven days by myself in this hotel room

Rumpled bed
COVID medication
Hotel room Boone, NC

Luckily for me, I had brought along two film cameras and a few rolls of film

The room had a nice, isolated balcony with a view of the Blue Ridge Mountains and of the next door Lowes parking lot

Despite the beautiful view, my composition choices began to feel a bit restricted

I resorted to practicing the ancient art of sheetscape photography

When I ran out of film, Keziah’s boyfriend Trevor was nice enough to get me a Lomography variety pack from a local hipster cafe

I completely botched the development of this roll, but I still liked some of the images

All in all, I managed to stay remarkably, if relatively, sane during my isolation but I am very, very grateful to be home again